Wednesday was the first day of classes. The hallways were crowded with students looking for their classrooms. My classes are held in la casita. When I heard the name casita, I was expecting a small house. Of course when I arrived, I found a beautiful big Victorian considered Patrimonio Nacional. This is where most of the language classes are held. The classrooms are very small, and they give you the feeling of being in a closet. The instructors are warm and very young. We went over class expectations and work. To finish the morning, we enjoyed lunch at the school cafeteria. We all asked for the special of the day that consists of rice, beans, salad, tropical fruit and juice, all for $5! The evening was great, and we took advantage of the 2 for 1 movie deal. We saw “Arriba” The whole city was at the movies. ¡Buena forma de acabar el día!
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