Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Frutos Ticos

Costa Rica is a very rich country in the production of bananas. All types of bananas are everywhere you go. Strolling along the streets on the way to the U, I admired many houses with banana plants in their patios. Many of them are blooming, and the others have one or two racimos. Costa Rica is one the most important countries that exports bananas to the U.S. The bananas are named according to their size. Here we found the regular bananas one finds in an American supermarket. The small ones are named guineas. The small fat ones are named guineo manzano and many more. The same is with other fruits like mango. The small mango is called mando. But if it is even smaller, then it is called manga. So Costa Ricans have their unique way to identify their fruits.

La Fortuna

This past weekend I visited a town named La Fortuna. This is the town where the famous volcano Arenal is located. Of course I did not check the weather before I went, and I forgot that we were in invierno in Costa Rica. I spent the weekend in a beautiful hostal overlooking the volcano. I did no see any thing. According to my reading and the map I received at the National Park, I stood at the base of the volcano, but I did not see anything only huge clouds adorning the sky. But when I got back home, I told my story to my host family. They replied, “Así es Costa Rica en el invierno, Pura Vida”

Paseo en San José

This week I visited San José, which is how the downtown area is called here in Costa Rica. I was able to visit El Palacio Nacional, which offers short plays during the lunch hour. This was a great opportunity to eat and at the same time enhance the mind. The Gold Museum is the second largest and most important Gold Museum after the one in Bogotá, Colombia. It has beautiful gold pieces found throughout many Latin American countries. These precious items represent many indigenous cultures found in this area before the Spanish conquistadors arrived. The streets in San Jose are narrow and hilly and adorned with beautiful plants and flowers. The stores are packed with fashionable items similar to those found back in the States. Of course prices are given in dollars. American music is played in all stores, and Michael Jackson is enjoying phenomenal popularity.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Esta semana visité el Pueblo de Cartago. Estaá aproximadamente a una hora de la ciudad de San José. En este pueblo se encuentran la ruinas de Ojarrás, que son hoy centro de atracción turística. Ojarrás es el esqueleto de una iglesia que se construyó en honor al apóstol Santiago de Compostela en 1575. Esta fue destruida por el terremoto San Antolín en 1841. Luego se construyó denuevo, y fue otra vez destruida por el terremoto Santa Mónica en 1910. El pueblo se canzó de invertir dinero entonces decidieron preservar sus ruinas como sitio histórico. Hoy en día es un lugar muy bonito para visitar con un bello jardín.
Posted by Doris Torres at 8:11 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Las comidas

La comida en Costa Rica es muy variada. La base de una dieta diaria consiste de arroz, frijoles negros, plátanos y cualquier tipo de carne. Puede ser pollo, pescado, o carne preparados de muchas maneras. Me encantan los nombres de los platos diarios. El desayuno típico en Costa Rica se llama “Gallo pinto” Este plato consiste de arroz mezclado con frijoles negros, huevos, pan y queso. Al plato del almuerzo se le llama “Casados.” Este plato consiste de arroz, frijoles negros, ensalada de repollo o lechuga, y un pedazo de cualquier carne, ya sea pollo, pescado o carne de res. Para le cena el “gallito” tortilla rellena de cualquier cosa, ya sea queso, verduras, o carne. Es muy común. Por supuesto todos los platillos del día son servidos con jugos de frutas naturales.